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10 Underwater Challenges for Adventuring Parties
Discover 10 thrilling underwater challenges for adventuring parties in your tabletop RPG campaigns. From blinding depths and treacherous terrain to magical maelstroms and silent predators, these creative ideas will push your players to their limits. Packed with DM tips, expanded details, and humor, this guide is your ultimate resource for crafting immersive aquatic adventures. Perfect for D&D and other RPG systems, dive into strategies that bring your underwater worlds to life!

Cypher System Rules & Mechanics to Enhance your TTRPG Experience
This is the third part of our Numenera and Cypher system coverage. You can find 1 and 2 here. Numenera is a tabletop role-playing game system that was created by Monte Cook in 2013. It is a science-fantasy RPG set in the distant future, where players explore the ruins of past civilizations and discover strange and powerful artifacts. Numenera is known for its simple and streamlined rules, which prioritize storytelling and creative problem-solving over complex mechanics. In this guide, we will offer ways you can enhance any roleplaying game with some of the amazing rules in the Cypher System to create engaging and immersive campaigns, no matter what RPG you’re playing.

D&D Advice: 10 Best Worldbuilding Tips for Dungeon Masters
So you want to design a fantastic and memorable world for your players? Well, you’ve come to the right place. The best part of any roleplaying game is building a world and stories with friends. This can seem like a daunting task. But with this simple list of tips, you will create fantastic worlds and memories with friends to last a lifetime.

What is Victory?
What is victory in Dungeons and Dragons? For some, it’s when the last monster or villain is felled. For others, it’s the rescue and release of a village captured by slavers. There are even a few who never seem to experience victory. But, what does it mean to a group of adventurers seeking to delve into damp dark dungeons risking life and limb?

How to Create Cute and Lovable NPCs in Dungeons & Dragons
Do your characters look forward to seeing some of your NPCs again? Well, strap in! Today we discuss how to fill your world with Cute and Lovable NPCs that the players will love.
Build through connections in a natural way
A great example starts in a tavern. We all know that Innkeepers have an interesting past, we just don’t delve into it. What if each time the characters came to the inn, the innkeeper offered them a free meal to listen to a story of hers? If they don’t take the hook, then no biggie. But if they listen to the story she shares about some grand adventure or heartbreaking romance it will draw them in. Then repeat this every time they visit the Inn. Free meal for a short story. Great opportunity to expand on the lore of the world in a natural way too. Then, one day they come in, and the innkeeper doesn’t offer them the meal for a story. If the players have shown interest, they may ask what is wrong, and boom instantly lovable quest giver…

Religious Quests for Divine RPG Characters
Many divine classes such as clerics, paladins, druids or anyone with the acolyte background are often required to undertake tasks to prove their devotion to their deity. As GM, work with your players so that you can tailor the quest to their unique character. The focus should be a test of spiritual strength and commitment to whatever beliefs the character holds.
We’ve put together a list of quests with a variety of approaches you can use to fill out the character’s spiritual needs.

Stair and Ladder Alternatives in D&D
Are you tired of using boring stairs, ropes and ladders for your D&D adventurers to traverse the multiple levels of dungeons? Well then, stick around as we delve into Chutes, Ladders and Stair Alternatives for your Dungeons and Dragons Game

Money Master's Guide: Game Mastering For Fun And Profit
Money Master's Guide: Game Mastering For Fun And Profit
We all hope to someday turn our hobby into a full-time job. Most of us don’t hope to get rich, but enough to pay the bills by doing what we love is a great start. Arjade Productions presents Raymond Hick’s Money Master’s Guide - Game Mastering for Fun and Profit gives you all the tools and details you need to help get you started if you’re in the tabletop gaming industry.
Since we are a D&D 5e show, the most obvious focus for our topic today would be the chapters that cover closely related topics. Of the 12 total, they ALL apply. So, instead, we are going to focus on a few that really stand out, and those, that we believe to be the best starting point.

D&D PVP: 5e Team Deathmatch
5e Team Deathmatch is a team-based, PvP competitive tabletop arena for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.
This game is an action RPG about strengthening the bonds you already have with the friends in your gaming group, or forming new bonds of friendship, in the face of shared adversity and the greatest challenge. Nothing beats the thrill of coming together to defeat a seemingly insurmountable foe. 5TDM doesn't throw any punches. It puts you through the wringer and lets your group emerge closer to each other than ever. It is competitive, but not toxic.
Small groups of player characters are pitted against each other in a no-holds-barred frenzy of carnage in a team-based, player-vs-player competition. 5th Edition Team Deathmatch is a contest of skill, wits, and luck. 5TDM is about winning the world's most popular roleplaying game.

Great Adventure Structure for your Roleplaying Games
Arguably one of the best parts of any Dungeon Master’s prep in Dungeons and Dragons is the design, creation, and fleshing out of a great and thrilling adventure. This can be a struggle for some DMs, while for others it’s as natural as breathing. Well, I’m not gifted in this respect, so I rely on guides and tools to ensure I put together fun and engaging stories for my players. For this, I scour the books I’ve collected over my 20+ years of D&D. During this search I uncovered a solid bit of advice from one of the most hated versions of the game, Fourth Edition. Join us live as we go into detail on each of these points further on our Youtube Channel.

5 Tips For Being A Better Dungeon Master
5 Tips For Being A Better Dungeon Master
So you want to be a Dungeon Master, eh? It's not an easy job, but it can be incredibly rewarding. Here are a few tips to help you get started on the path to becoming a great Dungeon Master.
1. Be Prepared
This one seems like a no-brainer, but it's surprisingly easy to let your preparation fall by the wayside. When you're running a game, there are a lot of moving parts and it's easy to get overwhelmed. Make sure you take the time to plan out each session in advance. Write down what you want to accomplish and what challenges your players will face. This will save you a lot of headaches in the long run. Your plans don’t have to be dozens of pages, just simple bullet points are more than enough. For example, if you use miniatures for encounters, make sure to prep a map in advance so that you aren’t wasting precious table time drawing out complex maps.

D&D: Monster Hunter 5e
In Monster Hunter, the player takes the role of a Hunter. Slaying or trapping large monsters across various landscapes as part of quests given to them by the locals. As part of its core gameplay, players use loot gained from slaying monsters, gathering resources, and quest rewards to craft improved weapons, armor, and other items that allow them to face more powerful monsters.
Inside Amellwind's Guide to Monster Hunting you will find over 150 pages full of new races, factions, feats, equipment, monsters, and more. For this show, we are going to focus on the hunting and crafting aspects, but there is much Monster Hunter goodness to be found beyond this.

5 Tips for Dungeon Masters Who Want to Improve their Game
5 Tips for dungeon masters who want to improve their game
Are you a dungeon master who wants to take your game to the next level? If so, then you've come to the right place! In this blog post, we'll give you five tips that will help you engage your players and create a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Let's get started!
1. Make sure to set the tone of the game early on.
The first few minutes of the game are crucial in setting the tone for the rest of the session. You want to make sure that your players know what kind of game they're in for, so be clear about the type of language and behavior that is and is not appropriate. If you're running a lighthearted game, then don't hesitate to crack a few jokes. However, if you're running a more serious game, then it's important to set that tone from the beginning as well.

Better D&D 5e Boss Battles with Home Field Advantage!
Homefield Advantage!
Lair actions, introduced in D&D 5th Edition, give shape to epic battles by introducing new gameplay mechanics which the players will associate with a boss monster for years to come. However, despite the fact that player characters face off against boss monsters at every tier of play, only a small portion of creatures, most of which in the 3rd and 4th tiers of play, were given lair actions.
Homefield Advantage provides a collection of over 250 unique sets of lair actions, covering more than 320 of the most iconic D&D creatures, so that you can create thrilling boss battles for every tier of play, and breathe new life into some of your old favorites.

D&D: How to Create a Seedy Dive in Dungeons and Dragons
How to create a Seedy Dive for Dungeons and Dragons
The best information adventurers in Dungeons and Dragons seek isn’t found in a Tavern or an Inn but inside a seedy dive. Stick around as we delve into how to create a great seedy dive for your more unscrupulous characters to gather information or pass their downtime.

D&D Advice: How to Run a Successful Encounter in Dungeons and Dragons
Running a successful Dungeons and Dragons 5e encounter is all about preparation. If you take the time to prepare, your players will have a much more enjoyable experience. Here are four tips to help you prepare for your next D&D encounter.
1. Know Your Players
The first step in preparing for a successful D&D encounter is to know your players. If you don't know what sort of things they like or don't like, it will be much harder to craft an encounter that they will enjoy. Pay attention to the sorts of things they say during the game and try to incorporate those things into your encounters. If you know one of your players loves puzzles, for example, try to include a puzzle in your next encounter. What’s great about this, is that they can all be done together. During combat you can easily include a puzzle that one player must solve during the battle. Putting a round limit can even push the tension in the game and make the characters all feel engaged. Whether they are slaying monsters, or solving the puzzle.
2. Know Your NPCs
Just as important as knowing your players is knowing your NPCs. If you're running an evil campaign, make sure you know how evil your NPCs are. You don't want them to be too evil, or the players will get frustrated, but you also don't want them to be too good, or the players will get bored. Find that perfect balance and your players will thank you for it. It is my experience that the best enemies are the ones that have very understandable motivations. This gives the encounter with them far more depth, especially when the characters and their players can almost agree with them. A great example is Mr. Freeze in the horrible Batman and Robin flick. Mr. Freeze is a doctor stealing and looting all so he can afford to buy the materials he needs to cure his dying wife.
3. Know Your Environment
Another important thing to keep in mind when preparing for a successful D&D encounter is the environment. Is it a forest? A Cave? A Mansion? Knowing the environment will help you set the scene and make it more believable for the players. It will also help you determine what sorts of creatures might be lurking around, which can be helpful when deciding what sort of encounter to run. This is great because it also helps us decide on the types of threats that exist in the environment. A battle in a swampy mire with sludge knee deep is going to have a strong contrast to fighting in an icy cave where every movement could drop a character on their rump.
4. Make use of Terrain
Terrain can be a very important part of an encounter. It can provide cover for characters, create obstacles to overcome, or even trap unsuspecting victims. When used effectively, terrain can make an encounter much more dynamic and exciting. So when designing your encounters, be sure to take advantage of the terrain around you. A battle in a slick icy cavern with stalactites on the ceiling that can be dropped down onto unsuspecting characters is great. We can further use that dropped icy stalactite as cover from battle now too. Having your monsters utilize the terrain can help engage the characters in a fun way. It might just make the difference between a boring encounter and a memorable one.
5. Set the stakes
The next step is to set the stakes. What’s at stake in this encounter? Are the players just trying to get through the room without getting hurt? Or are they trying to defeat an enemy before they successfully open a portal to a dark world. Perhaps they need to solve a puzzle to enter a vault? What are the risks of failure and the rewards of success? Solving a puzzle to stop the stream of water filling a room is a clear danger. How about stopping a raging fire in a small village before it burns down? Make sure the stakes are clear so that the players know what they need to prioritize in order to obtain success.
6. Plan Ahead
By following these four tips, you'll be well on your way to running a successful Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition encounter. Just remember to always keep your players in mind and plan ahead as much as possible. With a little preparation, your next D&D encounter will be one for the ages!

Designing a Fictional Alphabet for Dungeons & Dragons
So, why would we want to design our own fictional alphabet? Don’t we got enough to do as GMs? Let’s take a look at a short list of reasons why.
Written language is everywhere, and is a key component of nearly every culture. If you want your world to feel like it has its own living, breathing culture, then you need to think about its written language.
If your game is set in a fantasy such as Dungeons and Dragons, your characters don’t speak English (or your native language), they speak common. But what is common?
If your game is in a fictional world, a bespoke alphabet shows that you've put some solid effort into making your world feel new, fresh and unique. It is worth noting that Wizards of the Coast does have some unique writing for the more common languages such as Elvish, Draconic and Dwarvish.
Your alphabet could be used as a sort of code that your players need to try and decipher. You could even base puzzles around it.
A fictional alphabet means you can populate your world with fun looking wanted posters, scrolls, signs and so much more. For instance, inscriptions in an ancient ruin could indicate the presence of a long-gone foreign race, while text on the side of a ship may mark it as an enemy.

D&D Advice: Worldbuilding Strategies
Do you find yourself easily overwhelmed with creating worlds, characters, adventures, and interesting encounters? All in the name of having a good time? The truth is, that no matter how much time you spend trying to set up plots, hooks, and other points of interest, we never truly know what the characters will do. Now, some GMs can just wing it and fly by the seat of their pants. For the rest of us less blessed individuals, we need a sort of strategy. But even then, sometimes our strategy gets ripped apart and we are left grasping at straws. By the end of reading this article, you should be able to fill your big dome with some quick concepts to fill in those unexpected moves the player’s characters take.

Exotic Equipment Perks | 5e Weapon Options
In 5e the single largest lackluster choice is the weapon. There isn’t much in the way of uniqueness to separate them, except for maybe the damage die and a few restricting traits. Not to mention, some of the weapons are literally EXACTLY the same (looking at you polearms). Today we discuss Exotic Equipment Perks! Make your choice of weapon and armor matter!
Weapons and equipment should be more than just objects that adventurers carry to slay enemies and protect themselves. In the proper hands of a master, they can be powerful tools to gain the upper hand against an enemy in a myriad of different ways. Let’s delve into the next big choice your characters and monsters have for the fifth edition of the world’s greatest roleplaying game.

How to Run Monster Hordes in D&D
Looking to overrun your characters with a nearly endless supply of an undead horde? How about pitting them against the creatures of hell flooding in through a rift? Well, today we teach you how to do just that. Join us as we share How to Run Monster Hordes in Dungeons & Dragons.