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10 Underwater Challenges for Adventuring Parties
Discover 10 thrilling underwater challenges for adventuring parties in your tabletop RPG campaigns. From blinding depths and treacherous terrain to magical maelstroms and silent predators, these creative ideas will push your players to their limits. Packed with DM tips, expanded details, and humor, this guide is your ultimate resource for crafting immersive aquatic adventures. Perfect for D&D and other RPG systems, dive into strategies that bring your underwater worlds to life!

Game Master Toolkit: 10 Urban Fantasy Dangers for your RPG
10 urban dangers to challenge your players and add depth to your fantasy RPG world
Are you a game master looking to add some excitement and danger to your urban fantasy campaign? Do you want to challenge your players with more than just the standard bandit or monster encounter? Look no further! In this blog, we'll explore ten urban dangers that will test your players' skills and wits as they navigate the treacherous landscape of the city. From corrupt officials to cursed objects, natural disasters to dark magic, these dangers will keep your players on their toes and add depth and intrigue to your world. So, grab your dice and get ready to immerse your players in a world full of peril and adventure!

Weapon Perks, Armor & Toolkits
Are you tired of using the same old boring weapons and armor in your favorite roleplaying game? Do you want to spice things up and give your characters some unique identity? Look no further than Exotic Equipment Perks!
One of the most exciting parts of any RPG is creating and building your characters. You want them to be unique, with their own backstory, class abilities, race, skills, and combat styles. But when it comes to weapons and armor, the options in 5th Edition can feel lackluster. Sure, you might have a few different damage dice and some traits that set them apart, but for the most part, they all feel the same.

Worldbuilding: 20 Unique Landmarks for your Fantasy Towns
As a Game Master, creating a world that feels vibrant and alive is crucial for immersing players in your RPG game. One way to achieve this is by designing towns and cities that are full of unique and memorable landmarks. These landmarks can serve as points of interest, focal points for quests, and even as plot devices that tie into your game's overarching story.
In this blog, we will explore 20 unique village landmarks that you can use to add depth and intrigue to your game world. Each of these landmarks is designed to give players a sense of wonder and mystery as they explore the town or city they are visiting. From grand cathedrals to ominous graveyards, these features will make your game world feel more like a real place.

How to Dungeon Master
Can you be a Dungeon Master as a Beginner?
Yes, absolutely you can. There is often mystery surrounding the great and powerful role of being a Dungeon Master, and honestly, it’s not really a big deal. So long as you know that there is a bit more work when it comes to your role in the game, you can do it with no problem. The job of the DM is to herd the players through a fun and enjoyable night of gaming. So long as you do that, you will do fine. As a new Dungeon Master, I want to give you a few things to remember. Just remember that there are a few key things to note.
You don’t need to know all the rules to get started. Does it help? Sure. Is it necessary? Not really. There are a lot of rules, and not everyone can spend hours upon hours reading a book before getting started. The starting adventures that Wizards of the Coast releases are designed for the DM to have ZERO experience. So just go for it.

The NPC Handbook: How to build Quality NPCs for your Dungeons and Dragons Stories
D&D: How to Create an NPC
No NPC needs the depth of background, personality, and statistics that a well-crafted player character has. Many NPCs just need a name, a couple of skills, and a word or two about their place in the world and how it relates to the characters. For example, the town priest Volund worships Mielikki and has a number of magic scrolls that he can use: scroll of spike growth, scroll of conjure animals, scroll of lesser restoration, and scroll of cure wounds (6th level).
We discuss a simple seven-step guide to summarize an NPC’s essential elements so that they can interact with the player characters in a meaningful and memorable way.

5 Tips For Being A Better Dungeon Master
5 Tips For Being A Better Dungeon Master
So you want to be a Dungeon Master, eh? It's not an easy job, but it can be incredibly rewarding. Here are a few tips to help you get started on the path to becoming a great Dungeon Master.
1. Be Prepared
This one seems like a no-brainer, but it's surprisingly easy to let your preparation fall by the wayside. When you're running a game, there are a lot of moving parts and it's easy to get overwhelmed. Make sure you take the time to plan out each session in advance. Write down what you want to accomplish and what challenges your players will face. This will save you a lot of headaches in the long run. Your plans don’t have to be dozens of pages, just simple bullet points are more than enough. For example, if you use miniatures for encounters, make sure to prep a map in advance so that you aren’t wasting precious table time drawing out complex maps.

D&D: Monster Hunter 5e
In Monster Hunter, the player takes the role of a Hunter. Slaying or trapping large monsters across various landscapes as part of quests given to them by the locals. As part of its core gameplay, players use loot gained from slaying monsters, gathering resources, and quest rewards to craft improved weapons, armor, and other items that allow them to face more powerful monsters.
Inside Amellwind's Guide to Monster Hunting you will find over 150 pages full of new races, factions, feats, equipment, monsters, and more. For this show, we are going to focus on the hunting and crafting aspects, but there is much Monster Hunter goodness to be found beyond this.

5 Tips for Dungeon Masters Who Want to Improve their Game
5 Tips for dungeon masters who want to improve their game
Are you a dungeon master who wants to take your game to the next level? If so, then you've come to the right place! In this blog post, we'll give you five tips that will help you engage your players and create a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Let's get started!
1. Make sure to set the tone of the game early on.
The first few minutes of the game are crucial in setting the tone for the rest of the session. You want to make sure that your players know what kind of game they're in for, so be clear about the type of language and behavior that is and is not appropriate. If you're running a lighthearted game, then don't hesitate to crack a few jokes. However, if you're running a more serious game, then it's important to set that tone from the beginning as well.

Better D&D 5e Boss Battles with Home Field Advantage!
Homefield Advantage!
Lair actions, introduced in D&D 5th Edition, give shape to epic battles by introducing new gameplay mechanics which the players will associate with a boss monster for years to come. However, despite the fact that player characters face off against boss monsters at every tier of play, only a small portion of creatures, most of which in the 3rd and 4th tiers of play, were given lair actions.
Homefield Advantage provides a collection of over 250 unique sets of lair actions, covering more than 320 of the most iconic D&D creatures, so that you can create thrilling boss battles for every tier of play, and breathe new life into some of your old favorites.

D&D: How to Create a Seedy Dive in Dungeons and Dragons
How to create a Seedy Dive for Dungeons and Dragons
The best information adventurers in Dungeons and Dragons seek isn’t found in a Tavern or an Inn but inside a seedy dive. Stick around as we delve into how to create a great seedy dive for your more unscrupulous characters to gather information or pass their downtime.

D&D Advice: Worldbuilding Strategies
Do you find yourself easily overwhelmed with creating worlds, characters, adventures, and interesting encounters? All in the name of having a good time? The truth is, that no matter how much time you spend trying to set up plots, hooks, and other points of interest, we never truly know what the characters will do. Now, some GMs can just wing it and fly by the seat of their pants. For the rest of us less blessed individuals, we need a sort of strategy. But even then, sometimes our strategy gets ripped apart and we are left grasping at straws. By the end of reading this article, you should be able to fill your big dome with some quick concepts to fill in those unexpected moves the player’s characters take.

DM Advice | How and When to use Handouts in D&D
As you get into tabletop games, one little thing you will come to consider more and more, but that isn’t really included in rulebooks or the like, are handouts: The bits of paper that you can create and hand to your players to further enhance the game.
I personally really like using handouts, and often add them to my games. But I find that for a lot of people it doesn’t really even come to mind, or they simply don’t know where to start. So let me share some of my tips & tricks with you.
There are three general reasons to use handouts:

How to Run Monster Hordes in D&D
Looking to overrun your characters with a nearly endless supply of an undead horde? How about pitting them against the creatures of hell flooding in through a rift? Well, today we teach you how to do just that. Join us as we share How to Run Monster Hordes in Dungeons & Dragons.
The Best Worldbuilding Tool for Dungeon Masters
Building an entire world for your roleplaying game is a HUGE amount of work. Even for experienced Dungeon Masters. What if, with a click of a button you could have a world map, regions, cities, towns, villages, and more all plotted in just a second? Well, with Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator, you can do just that!