Words of Power


Now Available in Softcover on Amazon! Click Here!

PDF & Softcover also available from Drive Thru RPG! Click Here!

Words of Power is a collection of magical words and spell incantations for your 5th Edition Roleplaying Game spells.


If you’ve ever played a spellcaster in 5th Edition, you have undoubtedly said “I cast...” as part of declaring your action. Am I right? Don’t worry, that’s how most people do it, and there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes though, you want a little more out of your casters, something more than just shouting the name of the spell you’re casting. Maybe, what you’re looking for is incantations. Magical words to go with those reality-altering spells. Well have no fear, Crit Academy is here. Now, instead of sitting at the table and saying, “I cast firebolt.” you shout with glee “Burn, dart of flame! Fulmen Ignis!” and a bolt of blue fire leaps from your character's fingertips, setting that pesky little kobold on fire. Never again cast spells in such a mundane way again.

This 5th Edition D&D resource book is full of magical spell incantations to bring flavor and excitement to your D&D 5th Edition spells.

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Now Available in Softcover on Amazon! Click Here!

PDF & Softcover also available from Drive Thru RPG! Click Here!

Words of Power is a collection of magical words and spell incantations for your 5th Edition Roleplaying Game spells.


If you’ve ever played a spellcaster in 5th Edition, you have undoubtedly said “I cast...” as part of declaring your action. Am I right? Don’t worry, that’s how most people do it, and there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes though, you want a little more out of your casters, something more than just shouting the name of the spell you’re casting. Maybe, what you’re looking for is incantations. Magical words to go with those reality-altering spells. Well have no fear, Crit Academy is here. Now, instead of sitting at the table and saying, “I cast firebolt.” you shout with glee “Burn, dart of flame! Fulmen Ignis!” and a bolt of blue fire leaps from your character's fingertips, setting that pesky little kobold on fire. Never again cast spells in such a mundane way again.

This 5th Edition D&D resource book is full of magical spell incantations to bring flavor and excitement to your D&D 5th Edition spells.

Now Available in Softcover on Amazon! Click Here!

PDF & Softcover also available from Drive Thru RPG! Click Here!

Words of Power is a collection of magical words and spell incantations for your 5th Edition Roleplaying Game spells.


If you’ve ever played a spellcaster in 5th Edition, you have undoubtedly said “I cast...” as part of declaring your action. Am I right? Don’t worry, that’s how most people do it, and there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes though, you want a little more out of your casters, something more than just shouting the name of the spell you’re casting. Maybe, what you’re looking for is incantations. Magical words to go with those reality-altering spells. Well have no fear, Crit Academy is here. Now, instead of sitting at the table and saying, “I cast firebolt.” you shout with glee “Burn, dart of flame! Fulmen Ignis!” and a bolt of blue fire leaps from your character's fingertips, setting that pesky little kobold on fire. Never again cast spells in such a mundane way again.

This 5th Edition D&D resource book is full of magical spell incantations to bring flavor and excitement to your D&D 5th Edition spells.

Review by gd13

"This is a spectacular product for anyone who loves to play or DM dungeons and dragons games. Reflavors the way you cast a spell in the player's handbook for 5th edition. Anyone of any skill level or DM or fan of D&D will find this book very helpful. Strongly recommend this product."

Review by Mike G

"Exactly what i expected and wanted. Great art work inside also. I'm excited to use this in my d&d5e games. It will really up the immersion for my players when my monsters cast spells using incantations and magical words, not just the spell name anymore. Can't wait!"

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