Gambler Martial Class



A brand new martial class for 5th edition. Roll the dice in combat with a new gambling feature. Will lady luck gift you aid, or will your luck run out?

Gamblers are a unique lot. Most tend to have a look at the world and see those who have been dealt a poor hand, whether by fate, the gods, or some other power. A gambler seeks to stack the deck in their favor. They aren’t about to let someone else control their fate. Gamblers are a social lot. They take pride and joy in a good game of chance—so long as they win. Much of the gambling trade is good bluffing, understanding the odds, and (when necessary) a bit of sleight of hand. Their inexplicable luck is believed to be a form of magic. While some can use traditional magic, most are just clever confidence tricksters, using smoke and mirrors to stack the odds in their favor. Gamblers are a friendly lot. They tend to avoid confrontation when they can, but they aren’t above throwing their chips in the ring when they must. Clever use of cards and dice makes for interesting weapons. When combined with a good staff, they can be quick to send a foe’s ante to the floor. Thanks to their strange luck, Gamblers can be perceived as cheaters, whether or not they actually do. Regardless, they tend to be wanderers and avoid winning too much from drunken fools and overconfident nobles in a game of dice or cards.

This 5th Edition D&D resource is a complete player option for the Gambler Class. The PDF includes rules, lore, and tables for enhancing your character's story and background.

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A brand new martial class for 5th edition. Roll the dice in combat with a new gambling feature. Will lady luck gift you aid, or will your luck run out?

Gamblers are a unique lot. Most tend to have a look at the world and see those who have been dealt a poor hand, whether by fate, the gods, or some other power. A gambler seeks to stack the deck in their favor. They aren’t about to let someone else control their fate. Gamblers are a social lot. They take pride and joy in a good game of chance—so long as they win. Much of the gambling trade is good bluffing, understanding the odds, and (when necessary) a bit of sleight of hand. Their inexplicable luck is believed to be a form of magic. While some can use traditional magic, most are just clever confidence tricksters, using smoke and mirrors to stack the odds in their favor. Gamblers are a friendly lot. They tend to avoid confrontation when they can, but they aren’t above throwing their chips in the ring when they must. Clever use of cards and dice makes for interesting weapons. When combined with a good staff, they can be quick to send a foe’s ante to the floor. Thanks to their strange luck, Gamblers can be perceived as cheaters, whether or not they actually do. Regardless, they tend to be wanderers and avoid winning too much from drunken fools and overconfident nobles in a game of dice or cards.

This 5th Edition D&D resource is a complete player option for the Gambler Class. The PDF includes rules, lore, and tables for enhancing your character's story and background.


A brand new martial class for 5th edition. Roll the dice in combat with a new gambling feature. Will lady luck gift you aid, or will your luck run out?

Gamblers are a unique lot. Most tend to have a look at the world and see those who have been dealt a poor hand, whether by fate, the gods, or some other power. A gambler seeks to stack the deck in their favor. They aren’t about to let someone else control their fate. Gamblers are a social lot. They take pride and joy in a good game of chance—so long as they win. Much of the gambling trade is good bluffing, understanding the odds, and (when necessary) a bit of sleight of hand. Their inexplicable luck is believed to be a form of magic. While some can use traditional magic, most are just clever confidence tricksters, using smoke and mirrors to stack the odds in their favor. Gamblers are a friendly lot. They tend to avoid confrontation when they can, but they aren’t above throwing their chips in the ring when they must. Clever use of cards and dice makes for interesting weapons. When combined with a good staff, they can be quick to send a foe’s ante to the floor. Thanks to their strange luck, Gamblers can be perceived as cheaters, whether or not they actually do. Regardless, they tend to be wanderers and avoid winning too much from drunken fools and overconfident nobles in a game of dice or cards.

This 5th Edition D&D resource is a complete player option for the Gambler Class. The PDF includes rules, lore, and tables for enhancing your character's story and background.

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