Dungeon Dressing: 20 Levers and Switches for your Fantasy RPG

As a game master, you have the power to shape the world and create a unique and memorable experience for your players. One way to do this is by including levers and switches in your dungeons. These seemingly simple objects can add depth and complexity to your game, challenge your players, and create unexpected outcomes. By including levers and switches, you can add an extra layer of interaction and problem-solving to your dungeons, encouraging your players to think creatively and use their skills to overcome obstacles. Whether they're enchanted to only respond to a specific person, connected to a deadly trap, or located in a place that can only be accessed by solving a complex maze, levers and switches can add excitement, intrigue, and unpredictability to your game. In this blog, we'll explore 20 unique levers and switches that you can use in your role-playing games to create an unforgettable experience for your players.

  1. A large stone lever that creaks when pulled - This lever is made from a heavy block of stone and is mounted on a sturdy stone base. When pulled, it makes a loud, creaking sound as it moves, and its weight makes it difficult to operate.

  2. A hidden button disguised as a loose brick - This switch is located in a wall and is disguised as a loose brick. When pressed, it clicks and reveals a hidden door or mechanism.

  3. A rusted chain hanging from the ceiling with a lever attached to the bottom - This lever is attached to the end of a rusted chain that hangs from the ceiling. The chain is so old and degraded that it looks as though it might break at any moment, adding to the danger and tension of using the lever.

  4. A lever that's triggered by standing on a pressure plate - This lever is triggered by standing on a pressure plate located on the floor near the lever. When the plate is pressed, the lever moves and activates a mechanism or opens a door.

  5. A switch that only becomes visible when viewed from a specific angle - This switch is located in a specific spot that can only be seen when viewed from a certain angle. This creates a challenge for the players, as they must figure out how to view the switch in order to activate it.

  6. An old wooden lever that looks like it hasn't been used in years - This lever is made from aged, weathered wood and looks as though it hasn't been used in years. It's covered in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs, adding to the sense of age and disuse.

  7. A red-hot lever that can only be touched with special gloves - This lever is made of metal that's been heated to a red-hot temperature. Touching it with bare hands would be extremely painful, so players must find or acquire special gloves to operate the lever.

  8. A lever that's been encased in a thick layer of ice - This lever is located in a frozen chamber and is encased in a thick layer of ice. Players must find a way to melt the ice in order to access the lever and operate it.

  9. A lever that's located at the bottom of a deep pit - This lever is located at the bottom of a deep, dark pit. Players must find a way to reach the bottom of the pit in order to access the lever and activate it.

  10. A lever that's connected to a complex series of gears and pulleys - This lever is connected to a complex series of gears and pulleys that control a mechanism or door. Operating the lever requires careful observation and problem-solving skills.

  11. A switch that's hidden behind a secret door - This switch is located behind a secret door that must be unlocked or discovered in order to access it. Once found, the switch must be activated to reveal a hidden room or mechanism.

  12. A switch that can only be activated by solving a puzzle - This switch can only be activated by solving a puzzle, such as matching symbols, decoding a message, or arranging objects in a specific order.

  13. A lever that's been booby-trapped with a poison dart - This lever is rigged with a poison dart trap that will trigger if the lever is moved without first disarming the trap.

  14. A switch that's powered by magic and requires a spell to activate - This switch is powered by magic and can only be activated by casting a specific spell. Players must find or learn the spell in order

  15. A lever that's controlled by a ghostly apparition - This lever is controlled by a ghostly apparition that appears and disappears at random. The ghost must be appeased or defeated in order to operate the lever and access its secrets.

  16. A switch that's been damaged and only works sometimes - This switch is damaged and only works sporadically, requiring players to experiment and find the right conditions for it to operate.

  17. A lever that's been enchanted to only respond to a specific person - This lever is enchanted and will only respond to a specific person, such as a member of a particular race, class, or bloodline. Players must discover the criteria for operating the lever and find the right person to use it.

  18. A switch that's connected to a mechanism that triggers a trap - This switch is connected to a mechanism that triggers a deadly trap, such as a collapse of the ceiling or a barrage of arrows. Players must be careful when operating the switch and find a way to disarm the trap before it's triggered.

  19. A lever that's located in a room filled with toxic gas - This lever is located in a room filled with toxic gas that could be fatal if breathed in. Players must find a way to protect themselves from the gas and operate the lever without being affected.

  20. A switch that's located in a place that can only be accessed by solving a complex maze - This switch is located in a place that can only be accessed by solving a complex maze, filled with twists, turns, and dead-ends. Players must use their problem-solving skills and perseverance to reach the switch and activate it.

These levers and switches could add interesting challenges and twists to a role-playing game dungeon, encouraging players to think creatively and use their problem-solving skills.

Aelx’s Bombastic Oddities

Aelx’s Bombastic Oddities is a system-agnostic TTRPG GM sourcebook for the new, the confused, and the ones no one takes time to think about. Contained in this book is a collection of useful and inspiring creations designed to do one thing: spark something. That’s the real purpose of this book, not to tell you what to create but to lead you to create it all on your own. Our hope is that the things in this book serve as anchor points that propel your mind into the sea of life abundant and allow the spark of inspiration to burst into a cataclysm that can only be tamed by furious writing of your newfound ideas.

We tried to create a book that held everything you needed to get started with GMing in any fantasy setting without stepping on the toes of your own creativity because that is the most important part here.

The book includes:

  • A pantheon of Gods someone could pick up in a day but also have many layers and folds that one might find a spark in.

  • Thoughtfully crafted homebrew races, born of the god’s love, give multiple ways of play.

  • 10 NPC examples of how to go from a classic trope to a multifaceted person (One of which could be YOU) as well as tables of character pillars for your creative needs

This book has been written and produced with accessibility AND inclusion woven into every seam and every word. This includes but is not limited to changes from the industry norm like including a pronunciation appendix that uses “like” sounds, not syntax, font choices, sizing choices, etc. The book has been proofread by dyslexics, color blind folks, people who struggle with migraines, visually impaired folks, and people for whom English is their second language to give the most inclusive and painless experience while reading Aelx’s Bombastic Oddities.

LIVE ON KICKSTARTER February 21st 2023

Aelx’s Bombastic Oddities is written by Aelx Bomb, who is a queer, disabled (Schizoaffective Bipolar) woman who also has ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Dysgraphia. She got her start in 2019 by posting GM advice, plot ideas, and NPCs on TikTok. In 2020 she moved part of her fan base over to her now thriving discord and Twitch channels where she streams 4 days a week about community, life, and nerdy stuff. To read a special message from Aelx about this project click here

Crit Academy is thrilled to partner with Aelx and help bring this project to life. We have been publishing 5e D&D resources since 2018 and are now expanding into system-agnostic content. We have released dozens of products on DM's Guild and Drive-Thru RPG, most becoming bestsellers. Aelx’s Bombastic Oddities will be our 5th Kickstarter project.

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